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This Report of the Standing Committee on Water Resources (2021-22) deals with the action taken by the Government on the Observations/Recommendations contained in their Twelfth Report (Seventeenth Lok Sabha) on ‘Flood Management in the Country including International Water Treaties in the field of Water Resource Management with particular Referen

This study evaluates the economic efficiency of the Uganda project using a Cost-Benefit Analysis to compare implementation costs with observed and future benefits.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on disaster risk financing, 20/07/2022. The disaster risk financing mechanism is based on the recommendations of the successive Finance Commissions.

This study evaluates the economic efficiency of the interventions in India using a Cost-Benefit Analysis to compare implementation costs with observed and future benefits.

This book is about the contribution of early warnings to reducing damage, disruption and distress from natural hazards. Its theme is partnership – between producers and receivers of warnings, and between the many experts who contribute to creating a warning.

Resilience in a Riskier World: Managing Systemic Risks from Biological and Other Natural Hazards, the Asia Pacific Disaster Report 2021 captured a comprehensive picture of the complexity of disaster risk landscape (‘riskscape’) from natural and biological hazards in the Asia-Pacific region.

This publication shows how the three pillars of drought management: (1) monitoring; (2) vulnerability assessment; and (3) risk mitigation and response, help to integrate the management of the two phenomena.

The number of people living in internal displacement around the world reached a record 59.1 million at the end of 2021, up from 55 million a year earlier. The unprecedented figure is the result of new waves of violence, protracted conflict and disasters, according to this IDMC's annual report.

A report into the impact of climate change on cities, which is becoming increasingly important as more and more people live in them. One of the most severe impacts, which is already starting to bite, is cities running out of water.

Humanity is “at a crossroads” when it comes to managing drought and accelerating mitigation must be done “urgently, using every tool we can,” says this new report from the UNCCD.
