Country-dwellers miss out on the bustle and bright lights

Looking for a quick way to feel lousy about yourself? Then forget the idea of a healthy diet and just eat what your body wants you to eat. Your body wants meat; your body wants fat; your body wants salt and sugar. Your body will put up with fruits and vegetables if it must, but only after all the meat, fat, salt and sugar are gone.

The prevalence of overweight and obesity and their associated factors among schoolchildren in Manipur had not been studied. The authors did a cross-sectional study among 3356 schoolchildren of classes VIII to XII in Imphal West District, Manipur between September 2005 and August 2006.

Serum concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have been reported to be associated with the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the U.S. general population, and this association appears to be higher among obese people than among the nonobese.

Ramya Kannan

18% of children below seven years of age are obese or overweight

The school is probably the best place to inculcate the value of exercise and sports in health and well being.

CHENNAI: Here is yet another survey with sobering conclusions about the state of health of the nation: Obesity is setting in earlier than the adolescence phase for Indian children.

A pan-Indian survey

Replacing traditional foods with imported, processed food has contributed to the high prevalence of obesity and related health problems in the Pacific islands.

Acute exposure to ambient air pollution has been associated with cardiac outcomes, often within hours of exposure. The incidence of effects within the population depends on a number of factors, including genetic differences. Baja et al.

In 2001, then-Surgeon General David Satcher issued a landmark statement that obesity had reached epidemic proportions in America. The country began to react, but slowly.

HONG KONG: People who move from villages to cities to work are more likely to end up obese and suffer from diabetes compared to their siblings who remain behind, a large study in India has found.

The study, involving 6,510 participants from north, central and south India, found that half of the migrants had packed on an additional 14 pounds (6-7 kg) by the tenth year of their relocation.

India, like the rest of the world, is experiencing an epidemic of diabetes, a chronic disease characterized by dangerous levels of sugar in the blood that cause cardiovascular and kidney disease, which lower life expectancy. The prevalence of diabetes (the proportion of the population with diabetes) has been increasing steadily in India over recent decades, particularly in urban areas.
