Six in 10 U.S. residents -- more than 186 million people -- live in areas with dangerous levels of air pollution, the American Lung Association reported on Wednesday.

The air in many U.S. cities became dirtier last year, the association said in its annual "State of the Air" report.

Pune Rajendra Shende, who heads the Ozone Action Group of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), on Tuesday received the prestigious climate protection award instituted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) at a function held in Washington D. C. Shende hails from Pune and is currently working at the headquarters of the UNEP in Paris.

The Sub Regional Workshop on Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Phase Out in Military Applications would be a stepping stone for a wider environment military network in Sri Lanka, said former Executive Secretary National Protocol Secretariat, UNEP K. Madhava Sharma.

Topics of importance of environment, fallouts of pollution and other environmental hazards should be included in syllabi from primary education till higher and professional education.

The findings are based on a detailed computer model that includes atmospheric chemical effects, wind changes and solar radiation changes

GLOBAL WARMING will set back the recovery of the ozone layer of the earth's atmosphere, warns a Nasa study.

evolution Wolves from dogs Human beings can enrich biodiversity without doing much. Take raising dogs as pets, for example. A study says dogs have helped in the evolution of black colour in wolves. This bodes well for wolves inhabiting fast depleting snow-covered northern environments like the Arctic tundra. While hunting, the dark colour helps them merge with surroundings. Using

V Krishna Ananth

Supermarket refrigeration is making a worrying contribution to climate change. About one quarter of the carbon footprint of supermarkets comes from the cooling gases used in their refrigeration systems

This is a compilation of important environmental news topics selected by experts from the Asia-Pacific region. The 2008 edition brings 114 articles from three international organisations and 21 countries. A number of news reports were contributed regarding global warming as the most urgent issue facing the world today.

This year
