Cargill Inc.

Irresponsible business practices can have a disproportionate impact on indigenous communities, many of which continue to suffer from political and economic marginalization. This report highlights some of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks businesses face in their encounters with indigenous communities.

One of the world’s leading orangutan experts has called on Australian food manufacturers to speed up efforts to ditch unsustainable palm oil, warning that the situation “has never been so desperate

The incoming president of Indonesia, a holdout in Southeast Asia’s pact to fight haze, is backing Singapore’s plan to wield heftier fines against overseas polluters as long as sovereignty is respec

Indonesia's Borneo island shows the clearing of trees on a peatland forest located in Central Kalimantan in February. The area is being developed for a palm oil plantation.

The State of Sustainability Initiatives Review 2014 provides a bird's-eye view of market and performance trends across 16 of the most prevalent standards initiatives operating across ten different commodity sectors.

Projects to deliver a next generation of green transport fuel, which new research says could cut EU oil consumption by millions of tonnes per year, are on hold because of an EU policy vacuum, repre

At home and abroad, Indonesia is highlighting its progress in curbing the environmental destruction that has depleted forests and made it a leading source of greenhouse gases.

EU lawmakers deferred on Wednesday plans to curb the use of fuels made from food crops, providing a reprieve for some in the bio-energy industry, but raising the risk of higher grain prices in the

Illegal palm oil expansion inside Indonesia's Tesso Nilo National Park is threatening protected forests and the reputation of two companies who claim to be sources of sustainably-produced palm oil,
