The global business environment has undergone a major transformation that requires greater knowledge to address the social and environmental challenges of our time.

This report aims to initiate the process of supporting timber-exporting African countries in combating illegal timber harvesting and trade.

The Haiti water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) Poverty Diagnostic seeks to inform how to maximize the socioeconomic impact of the scarce fiscal resources channeled to the sector. The study assesses the linkages between improved access to WASH services, poverty, and health outcomes.

Policymakers around the world recognize the potential for natural land area to combat climate change: a total of 97 countries mentioned specific plans to reduce emissions from deforestation or increase forest cover in their Paris Agreement commitments.

The paper Scale and Sustainability: Toward a Public-Private Paradigm in Powering India assesses the Decentralised Renewable Energy (DRE) market by looking at the supply, demand and framework conditions for the sector and spells out potential approaches to levelling the playing field.

This is a critical time for Kenya, as the incoming administrations at national and devolved levels face the high expectations of ordinary Kenyans to deliver on ambitious economic development agendas and hasten the attainment of Vision 2030.

This report provides concise exposition of the Malaysian urban wastewater management under the country’s existing primary federal environmental legislation.

CDP’s 2017 Global Forests Report draws on the disclosures from 201 companies that responded to the investor request for information on the risks and opportunities linked to four commodities responsible for the majority of deforestation and forest degradation: cattle products, palm oil, timber products and soy.

India’s national health policy was reformed this year, but lack of accessibility and out-of-pocket expenses still leave rural areas behind.

The 2017 edition of the Poor People's Energy Outlook (PPEO) considers how to best finance national integrated energy access plans for Bangladesh, Kenya and Togo based on the PPEO 2016 analysis.
