Transboundary river basins cover 62 percent of Africa's total area and, with the exception of island states, every African country has at least one international river in its territory.

This manual brings together two fields that, until recently, have been separate: human rights and IWRM. These two fields have been brought together as awareness has grown within the human rights community that water management is fundamental to the realization of a range of human rights.

This working paper was based on the study on multiple uses of small reservoirs in the Volta River Basin of Burkina Faso. The study was conducted in communities using five small reservoirs in Yatenga Province.

The Indus Water Treaty between India and Pakistan has been an outstanding example of conflict resolution but scarcity of water in the basin states since the early 1990s has brought the agreement under strain and its "survival appears weak", according to this UN report.

National Register of Large Dam (NRLD) is a compilation of the dams in the country prepared as per information received from the State Government/Authority concerned. The lists of dams have been regrouped as per their location within the territory of a State.

Trend analysis of hydro-climatic variables provide useful information for effective planning, designing and management of water resources and agricultural production. Trends in observed stream flow at upstream and midstream gauging stations (GS), Wellawaya, Thanamalwila & rainfall and temperature in the Kirindi Oya river basin were assessed using the Mann-Kendall, Modified Mann-Kendall and Sen’s slope. Average rainfalls for the two catchments and for the entire basin were computed using ‘Thessen polygon’ method.

The NITI Aayog has laid out a detailed roadmap for the irrigation scheme’s implementation in mission mode, with emphasis on prioritising ongoing projects. The move will fast-track Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pet project, the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY). Project prioritisation forms the core of the road map.

Political Economy Analysis for Transboundary Water Resources Management in Africa introduces key concepts and variables for the transboundary water context.

Morphological and morphotectonic analyses have been used to obtain information that influence hydrographic basins, predominantly these are modifications of tectonic elements and the quantitative description of landforms. Discrimination of morphotectonic indices of active tectonics of the Jamini river basin consists the analyses of asymmetry factor, ruggedness number, basin relief, gradient, basin elongation ratio, drainage density analysis, and drainage pattern analysis, which have been completed for each drainage basin using remote sensing and GIS techniques.

This critique assesses if the National Water Framework Bill 2016 and the Mihir Shah Committee report are truly interdisciplinary and based on the principles of integrated water systems governance. The question still remains whether the recommendations are enough to bridge existing gaps and address future challenges in water governance.
