Transport affects climate directly and indirectly through mechanisms that cause both warming and cooling of climate, and the effects operate on very different timescales.

Economic incentives are

AHMEDABAD : In the coming week, the Ahmedabad Municipal Tranport Service (AMTS) would install Global Positioning System (GPS) in 200 buses both owned by AMTS and private buses. But a key factor that has been ignored in the process is the safety of operation of buses on city roads.

By Sreshta and Krithika,DH News Services,Bangalore:
The global economic slump and high interest rates on automobile loans might have dampened the sales of two and four-wheelers, but in Namma Bengaluru, vehicles continue to flood the roads.

According to statistics available from the RTO, nearly 100 people apply for driving licences everyday.

Following Finance Minister P Chidambaram

New Delhi: The Ministry of Environment and Forests has turned down the Kerala government

Solar power: Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit and Union Minister for Science and Technology Kapil Sibal riding a solar-electric rickshaw after launching it in Delhi on Thursday.

Due to regulations and compliance issues for urban centers

Launched in 1998, the Golden Quadrilateral is part of a $30-billion plus National Highways Development Project-the most ambitious building spree here since Britain created the railway system in the 1800s. Much as the U.S. Interstate Highway System mobilized American society, India hopes the Golden Quadrilateral will push the country's economic engine into overdrive.

Pack animals help reduce carbon dioxide pack animals, including horses and mules, are known to transport pilgrims and goods. Now, these animals serve another important purpose, a study has shown. They help reduce CO2 emissions. This, researchers concluded after studying six major valleys
