Enable Block: 

Industrial designer Virginia Gardiner has designed not just a new toilet, but a new closed-loop management system that will allow individuals to, basically, recycle their poop. Yeah, I just said that.

But give her idea a few minutes of your attention, because it's really not as gnarly as it sounds.

The Little Green Data Book 2009 points to the world

This paper analyses the current state of regulatory law and the associated institutional framework in India applicable to some of the key infrastructure sectors. Because the system in each sector has been put in place as policies have evolved at different times, there is an uneven approach to regulation across and at time even within different sectors of the economy.

The India Infrastructure Report 2008 discusses: competitive bidding models for infrastructure projects and critical factors required for a minimum subsidy model to succeed; models on auction bidding for rural infrastructure, e-governance, and multi-channel delivery mechanism; tolling and payment mechanism models for roads, railways, and airports; models for public service financing and affordable

Tuberculosis (TB) in Bhutan was well under control and in keeping with international standards, according to the programme manager for TB of the health ministry, Dr Pandup Tshering.

To all those who feel that non-resident Indians talk more than they end up doing for their country, Sunil Bhatia should come as a pleasant exception to the rule.

The government has devised the first-ever sanitation policy to ensure access of the entire population of the province to a safe sanitary environment.

For parched Delhiites, the budget this time promises a more comfortable year, even if the summer months may not be its target.
