Farming in the shadow of the world's highest mountains has never been easy - and climate change is making it even more difficult.

This report shows that South and South East Asian countries can shift their energy systems from fossil fuels to renewables to fuel economic growth, boost sustainable development and overcome energy poverty while avoiding life-threatening pollution and environmental degradation.

Rural women face many obstacles that thwart their well-being. Policies that seek to empower them, for example, by improving livelihood opportunities, often do not translate into improvements in other areas, notably in their nutritional status.

Cancer Treatment Services International owns and operates a network of cancer treatment facilities under the brand American Oncology Institute across India and South Asia

Dengue has become a major public health problem in Sri Lanka with a considerable economic burden.

This paper looks at two particular, yet interlinked, aspects: the current financial flows related to climate adaptation strategies, and the institutional landscapes in place for driving adaptation planning and action on the ground, with a particular focus on the water sector.

This report assesses the suitability of the water and climate-related policy environment (existing policy, legislation, strategy and planning instruments) for adapting to the impacts of climate change in the water sector in South Asia.

This report reviews the status of water resources and climate trends, and their expected impacts on water-related hazards and associated risks in South Asia, one of the world’s regions most vulnerable to climate change. The monsoon-driven climate combines intense rainfall generating devastating floods that alternate with extensive dry periods.

Sri Lanka is seeking greater international protection for several lizard species found nowhere else on Earth.

Globally, the estimates suggest that there are 170 new cases of traffic pollution-related asthma per 100,000 children every year, and 13% of childhood asthma cases diagnosed each year are linked to traffic pollution. The country with the highest proportion of traffic pollution-attributable childhood asthma incidence was South Korea (31%), the UK ranked 24th out of 194 countries, the US 25th, China 19th, and India 58th.
