It s the predominant user of groundwater in the country

US industry not doing enough about its emissions to mitigate global warming

Labourers in Tripura plantations get a better deal

Bottled water is heavily taxing the world s ecosystem

New method of measuring water footprint shows cotton is a guzzler

Gains from use of flyash in cement manufacture

In the Himalayas, subsistence largely depends upon resources derived from natural forests due to the free and easy access to these and simplicity in their use. Sikkim has 43% of its total geographical area under forest cover, of which 34% is under dense forests. The burgeoning human population and family fragmentation are exerting a tremendous pressure on the natural resources to meet the requirements of food, fuel, fodder, timber and other human needs. In recent years, tourism has increased manifolds in Sikkim, which has been one of the major factors behind destruction of forests.

As Le Clemenceau bobs on the horizon, reactions in India get sharper, noisier. We ve discovered occupational safety. Asbestos is used in popular lingo. The workers at the shipbreaking yards of Alang have suddenly become people. Almost. For the media ha

Universal vaccination became part of government policy in 1978. A quarter of a century since, progress has been fitful. In some parts of the country the south especially progress has been impressive, but in two of the most populous states Bihar and

794 animal species face extinction in 595 sites over the globe
