Technology transfer is seen as playing a critical role in the
global response to the challenges of climate change. Indeed,
the transfer of environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) is
embodied in the very fabric of the United Nations Framework

Until recently, most assessments of the impact of climate change on the food and agriculture sector have focused on the implications for production and global supply of food, with less
consideration of other components of the food chain. This paper takes a broader view and explores the multiple effects that global warming and climate change could have on food

New Delhi

NEW DELHI: The rich countries, which were mandated to cut down on their emissions, are instead on an upward curve that could lead the world to tipping point. The global warming causing greenhouse gas emissions of the rich nations have increased by 9.9% between 1990-2006.

Come December, a group of young Indians will participate in a UN convention on climate change. Yamini Vijayan meets the agents of change and says that its about time we joined hands with those who have been fighting relentlessly for causes that are ours too.

Beijing conference tackles how to help developing countries.

Staff Correspondent

SHIMLA: Himachal Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal has received an invitation from Steve Howard, CEO of the Climate Group, to attend the 2008 Climate Leaders

The fourth session of AWG-LCA is scheduled on 1-10 Dec. 2008 in Pozna?, Poland. The group will hold three focused in-session workshops on:

- Shared vision for long-term cooperative action;
- Risk management and risk reduction strategies, including risk sharing and transfer mechanisms such as insurance;

The Montreal Protocol on Substances that De

Global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emis
