Climate Change has become an urgent and pervasive preoccupation across the globe. It is a global challenge which requires an ambitious global response. India and other developing countries would be among those most seriously impacted by the consequences of Climate Change. It is for this reason that India, along

Delhi Metro, the first railway project in the world to be registered for carbon credits by the United Nations, has been certified to have prevented over 90,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere.

UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon on Thursday asked the developing countries to pitch in more efforts to address climate change and

The negotiations held at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change reveals there is a wide gap between the developed and developing nations which has threatened the equity related components of the Convention. It has been felt that there is a need to follow the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) that will serve as the medium for bringing about equality.

The international treaty drawn up to tackle ozone-destroying substances is gearing up to curb greenhouse gases.

The Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) recently carried out an analysis of the extent to which the EU (and its then 15 Member States) fulfilled the solemn promises made to developing countries in the so-called 'Bonn Declaration' of 23 July 2001.

Will India still be the world's fourth-largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the New Year?

In October 2008, the World Bank Group (WBG) adopted the Strategic Framework on Development and Climate Change (SFDCC). The document was developed in consultation with, and endorsed by, governments of 185 member countries.

Climate change is global in its causes and consequences. Through advanced modelling, patterns of change in the world climate have been observed over time. These model results have shown that compared to the pre-Industrial era, the world temperature has warmed by half a degree centigrade. The major causes for this

Climate change would appear to be a less important question during an economic downturn, but as United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has observed, a well thought-out fiscal stimulus can address both the problems through green growth.
