A recent letter from US Trade Representative Ron Kirk downplays the notion that the Obama Administration would implement a border tax on imports from large developing countries to help domestic industry under a cap-and-trade scheme.

In theory, the world

US greenhouse gas emissions rose 1.4 percent in 2007, compared to the previous year, the US Environmental Protection Agency reported on Wednesday.

The report also indicates that US emissions of climate-warming gases such as carbon dioxide and methane rose 17.2 percent from 1990 to 2007.

The meeting in Bonn saw the start of negotiations on climate change leading up to December's meeting in Copenhagen.

climate change EU wants more action With a world agreement on climate policy scheduled for December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark, negotiations and blame games are reaching a frenzy. During recent EU-US bilateral talks, American policymakers criticized EU

Bangladesh, regarded as one of the countries extremely exposed to climatic threats, has made its leadership visible in the global climate change negotiating process highlighting its 'right to survival as a human being', in recently concluded climate change talks in Bonn.

Surinder Sud / New Delhi April 13, 2009, 0:51 IST

A global farm policy think tank has recommended that agriculture should form part of the international negotiations on climate change in the forthcoming apex conference of parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at Copenhagen in December 2009.

Manoj Mitta | TNN

Bonn: MRV is a new acronym on which developed and developing countries are sharply divided in the ongoing climate change negotiations meant to culminate in an ambitious deal in Copenhagen in December.

Rich nations must commit to more ambitious targets for slashing greenhouse gases by 2020 to help stave off the ravages of climate change, the UN's top climate official said yesterday.

At the start of the United Nations climate talks here 12 days ago, the Obama administration
