The UNFCCC meeting on Climate Change in on at Bonn, Germany. Hectic negotiation is on to reach to certain consensus on the globe

Asian Development Banks 2009 pipeline includes a $1 million proposed regional technical assistance (Reta) on climate change for Central Asian countries, including Pakistan.

Asian Development Banks 2009 pipeline includes a $1 million proposed regional technical assistance (Reta) on climate change for Central Asian countries, including Pakistan.

This week the G-20 leaders met in London to discuss the global financial crisis, which is set to dominate the international agenda for some time. A parallel debate has been under way here in Bonn on another financial question, which affects an even greater systemic crisis: the funding required to tackle global climate change.

A new report commissioned by the Heinrich Boell Foundation and written by the UK's Institute for Public Policy Research focussing on fair sharing of climate finance commitments.

Rising sea levels, shifting rainfall and other impacts of climate change present a huge risk to some of the world

With just eight months to go for the decisive United Nations Climate Change Conference, participating countries the world over are trying to weigh their options and ensure that their political requirements are met. Yvo de Boer highlights the four key political points that the participating countries ought to be
clear about.

The aim of this paper is develop a new institutional architecture and governance structure for the Financial Mechanism (FM) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

The Bali Action Plan initiated a new round of negotiations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with the aim of achieving an

This climate adaptation booklet highlights the sector and geo-climatic impacts of climate change, and the development challenges facing the Asia-Pacific region.
