The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) constituted by the World Meteorological Organisation, in cooperation with United Nations Environment Programme is an internationally recognised

The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF), which numbers 48 nations, also committed to update their climate action plans.

Populism is drawing momentum from environmentalism in the U.S. and Europe, threatening the world’s effort to rein in climate change.

The Paris Agreement includes Article 6 with several provisions, which allow for the use of the international carbon market. In this paper, Cooperative Approaches (CA, Art. 6.2-3) and the Mechanism for Sustainable Development and Mitigation (MSDM, Art.

The developed world should increase and accelerate their support to the developing nations bearing the brunt of climate change like rising sea levels, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Ex

Momentum on climate action gained at 2015 Paris summit won't slow down

Various sessions including that on sustainable lifestyles and climate justice was organised at the Indian pavilion at the ongoing climate change summit in Marrakech which registered a heavy footfal

Trump has expressed disdain for green initiatives, may pull US out of pacts

In this new CDKN technical report, Xolisa Ngwadla and Samah El-Bakri explore in detail the task ahead to transform the Global Adaptation Goal in the Paris climate agreement: from warm words into real action that will save lives and livelihoods on the ground.

In December 2015 Parties adopted the Paris Agreement at the 21st session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In its Article 2 governments agreed to limit global warming to “well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels” and to pursue to limit it to 1.5°C (UNFCCC 2015).
