Fossil fuel-led development is the cause behind climate change and the benefits of it are mostly enjoyed by the developed countries while the developing nations are the sufferers, Union Environment

Nearly 40 million people in India will be at risk from the rise in sea-level by 2050, the government today said.

Climate change fund to support constructing recharge structures to prevent floodwater from entering sea

US President Donald Trump's statement that India was extracting billions of dollars as aid under Paris climate accord is "factually incorrect", Union Environment Minister Harsh Vardhan said.

French President Emmanuel Macron has said that US President Donald Trump is likely to come back to the Paris Accord, reports Sputnik.

The Union Environment Ministry will launch tomorrow a month-long drive to plant saplings, with minister Harsh Vardhan urging the states to undertake similar initiatives.

A new report examines how to support the successful integration of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) into national development planning. The adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015 signalled a major transition in the international climate change governance regime.

Existing power supply contracts between power generation and distribution companies should be renegotiated to ensure flexibility in the supply of coalbased electricity in order to make way for rene

Avoiding dangerous levels of climate change is still just about possible, but will require unprecedented effort and coordination from governments, businesses, citizens and scientists in the next th

The Donald Trump-led American withdrawal from the Paris climate change negotiations in the hope of a different rhetoric is a serious step undermining what was already a weak international cooperati
