While the SDGs and INDCs are two of the most important policy frameworks of the twenty-first century so far, the interactions and trade-offs between the SDGs and the INDCs have not yet been analysed, especially in sub-Saharan African countries.
This dissertation examines the performance of REDD+ MRV in terms of its implementation and institutionalization in developing countries, and the political processes by which such institutionalization occurs.
BONN - Cities are places where action on climate change can have most impact because they are engines for innovation and also highly vulnerable to a warming planet, the head of the U.N.
India and China, part of the Like-Minded Developing Countries group, have favoured greater transparency in climate negotiations in Germany's Bonn next week as these are crucial ahead of the Paris c
Green bodies today criticised the US president's claim that "major polluting nations" like India were contributing "nothing" towards tackling climate change, saying the US was itself "doing little"
In 2013 countries agreed to establish the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM) and agreed that it would do three things: a) enhance knowledge; b) strengthen dialogue and coordination and c) enhance action and support, including finance for loss and damage. This third element of its mandate has been sorely neglected.
UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa remains optimistic about climate action despite the ‘Trump threat’ to the fate of the Paris Agreement, during an exclusive chat with The Hindu