The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation’s (DMRC’s) initiative to install rooftop solar power plants at its premises has become the first ever Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Project to be registered wit

Climate change presents a risk to health in a variety of ways. The health risks resulting from climate change impacts in countries are changing and the interlinkages between health, climate change and other drivers of global environmental changes are complex and need to be better understood.

A new interactive online tool that helps countries to access and compare their priorities and ambitions related to climate action plans has been developed.

Multilateral climate funds play a key role in using public finance to help drive the economic and societal transformation necessary to address climate change. There is growing pressure for policymakers to make the architecture of funds more effective and coherent.

The International Carbon Action Partnership’s (ICAP) Status Report 2017, provides a testament to the evolution of emissions trading from textbook assumptions to the real world.

A study has found that fiscal policies introduced by governments in developing countries can have a significant effect on lowering harmful carbon emissions and help countries with fulfilling their

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Funds for Combating Climate Change, 07/02/2017.

Dehradun: The Centre has sanctioned a budget of Rs 2.5 crore to Uttarakhand to aid the state in its State Action Plan of climate change (SAPCC).

To ensure that the aims of the Paris Agreement can be met, progress towards both individual goals (NDCs) and the global goals (e.g. the long-term temperature goal) needs to be tracked. The architecture for tracking progress under the Paris Agreement is a good start, but much work remains to be done to operationalise it.

This discussion brief explains the central concept of consumption-based accounting, and illustrates the kinds of new perspectives it can offer on responsibility for environmental impacts of production.
