Japanese sponsors present Kenyan ngos with a fait accompli on a dam they don't want

A new fossils throws open the debate on Homo erectus

EVEN while the Berlin Summit on climate Change was in progress, 20 European companies, under the aegis of the European Business Council for a sustainable Energy Future, have

Non nuclear weapon nations are apprehensive about the efficacy of the Non Proliferation Treaty

US-based Megainin Pharmaceuticals Inc researchers have found a natural antibiotic in the tongue of the cow which may explain how injuries caused to the animal's tongue remain infection-free and heal

THE US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finally come up with a full-fledged plan to combat pollution at the Great Lakes on the US-Canadian border. The basin-of the 5 lakes,

The First Lady of the US, Hillary Clinton, officially launched a 'Safe Home Delivey Kit' during her visit to a Kathmandu clinic in Nepal on March 31. Developed after 2 years of intensive research,

The rodent-like Gilbert Potoroo marsupial, a kangaroo species presumed extinct for more than a century, was rediscovered in south-western Australia by an Australian student who recently trapped a

WASTE WONDERS: This had to happen: domestic and other wastes can go into making objects of daily use. A Canadian company, Low Energies Extrusion Technologies, uses flyash, clay, wire scrap and

A department of science and technology report reveals that India's boffins are academically a lax lot
