That concerned citizens have the right to approach the courts on matters of social justice and that India's constitution, by implication, guarantees ecological justice are indeed ideas that have done

A commitment to excellence and breathtaking photography characterise the two recent films on Ladakh made by Naresh and Rajesh Bedi

IF ONE were to pick a single product to represent the tremendous technological progress in the second half of this century, it would certainly be the computer. In few fields has progress been so

Whether the revolutionary passion of his early verse, or the more mellow vision of his later work, Jnanpith award winner Subhas Mukhopadhyay's poetry inspired an entire generation

A look at today's environmental issues through the eyes of two well known poets, exclusive to Down To Earth

If the World Bank does not withdraw from the Narmada dam, it will undermine the credibility it gained from setting up the review team. US NGOs now want a permanent mechanism to investigate appeals by affected people

India may have compromised her sovereignty over the Narmada issue

THE MORSE committee has asked the World Bank to step back from the Sardar Sarovar project. Whether the bank complies or not, the committee has undoubtedly delivered a resounding indictment of

The need of the hour is to reconcile apparently irreconcilable interests

SOMEWHERE in the Ayodhya hills of Bengal's Purulia district, a scorpion stung the wits out of me. My adivasi companion, Sukhchand, still in his teens, rubbed a poultice made up of some leaves on
