For most of the live coverage of the Rio conference we have to depend on CNN. And it requires BBC to give us a perspective on our Green Revolution....

ENVIRONMENT has emerged as a major concern for the world community. And rightly so, since the global environment is affected by the actions of different countries. The theme has several

The show is over. It's time to stop talking and get down to work

While heads of state deliberated on the future of the world at the Riocentro, social activists and NGOs expressed their sense of frustration over the dominant paradigm of development. They represented sharply differing perspectives

The UNCED deliberations have to be viewed in the context of northern attempts to maintain hegemony over the rest of the world

Nanuram Rawat was the adhyaksha of the gram sabha in Seed, one of the first gramdan villages where environmental resources have been regenerated through community management

The state is slowly withdrawing from the welfare sector leaving voluntary organisations in a quandary

BIG PROBLEMS cannot be solved without a big vision. And big visions do not come without big dreams. The Rio conference, which will bring together more heads of state and government than any

The mother of all summits grabbed a good deal of telecast time recently

TODAY, the world seems to be divided into two groups: those who believe in the restrained use of natural resources as they are finite and those who hold that human technological intervention can
