Among white fronted bee eaters, a bird species found abundantly in east and central Africa, fathers torment their sons and physically prevent them from breeding. The sons in time abandon efforts family life and return to the parental nest as helpers

THE GARBAGE heaps of Kathmandu, which rise in ugly mounds against the breathtaking beauty of the Himalayan ranges, tell a story -- a story of blind, lopsided, urban growth in one of the poorest

An average trekker uses as much firewood in a day as an average Nepali family would in a week.

Bhajani Behera of Arakhakuda village, feels the lake is doomed unless the government mounts rescue operations quickly. He should know, because he has spent 65 years of his life fishing in the lake for a living.

A look at two documentaries on local resistance to the Suvarnarekha dam project in Bihar and the Sardar Sarovar dam that dwell too much on the picturesque and not enough on the reality.

IT IS indeed unfortunate that the two Constitutional amendment bills to strengthen Panchayati Raj institutions and urban municipalities have received little public attention. Political

THIS BOOK by two of India's most eminent environmental historians makes a first attempt at constructing an alternative, ecological view of Indian history. Coming on the heels of Clive Ponting's A

India still has the option to preserve the poem within and the tree outside.

EVERYONE recognises the importance of forests. We have over the years set up several structures and evolved policies to try and conserve them. How effective these are is, of course, another question.

IT IS perhaps unfair for an economist to review a book which was originally submitted as a PhD thesis in anthropology. Unlike other anthropological works, a doctoral dissertation is necessarily less
