This report is in response to the Hon

This report presents the results of the third party auditing of the PUC centers. It recommends periodic audits every six months and corrective actions based on the findings of the third party auditing of the PUC centres. Presents the finding of the decoy operation in which frauds in a PUC centre was detected. Recommends strong penal action against the defaulters.

This report is in continuation of Report No. 20, May 2006. The report contains an assessment of the lambda data generated in the ongoing pilot programme to propose the lambda cut point for enforcement under PUC. The report has examined the lambda specifications provided by the vehicle manufacturers.

Abhishekh Singhvi, counsel for Dow in the Madhya Pradesh High Court case and Congress party spokesperson gives an ex-parte opinion to the Prime Minister

Dow Chemicals seeks appointment with the Prime Minister

A joint team from Hazards Centre and People

This report on Black-necked Crane is the result of intensive studies and surveys in the harsh and unique environment of Ladakh. There are several findings which will be of great interest to ornithologists and particularly people working on cranes. The report takes into account the interest of the general reader and therefore has the first two chapters

In human altered elephant habitats, understanding ecological and behavioural adaptation of elephants is essential to mitigate human-elephant conflict and conservation of elephants. This study on Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) was conducted between April 2004 and May 2005 in the plantation landscape of the Valparai plateau within the Anamalai_Parambikulam Elephant Reserve.

The new MRL Regulation on pesticide residues in food could be a great progress towards better protection of children and consumer in general, but there are a number of open questions how the EU and the Member States will implement this Regulation. Therefore, civil society must actively watch the development in the next years.

This report highlights the importance of social protection in the struggle against global poverty. Social protection aims to enhance the capacity of poor and vulnerable persons to manage economic and social risks, such as unemployment, sickness, disability and old age.
