Durban: Small island states, which have a powerful moral presence in the climate talks, displayed the political inclinations towards the EU when they tried to block India’s demand that the UN revie

Politics of climate negotiation is expected to reach a crescendo tomorrow when the Durban talks enter the last leg of deliberations.

With Durban talks unlikely to arrive at any binding deal on climate change, efforts are on to translate the Green Climate Fund (GCF) into a reality.

Leaders who wait for further evidence about the perils of greenhouse gases are flirting with escapism, the head of the UN’s Nobel-winning climate scientists says.

With time running out, minister of environment and forests Jayanthi Natarajan admits the Durban climate talks have reached a deadlock and does see too much forward movement taking place in the next

Negotiators are close to agreeing the shape of a Green Climate Fund, which is designed to help poor nations tackle global warming and nudge them towards a new global effort to fight climate change.

Throughout the year, the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) has been working on the preparation of a balanced and comprehensive outcome to be presented to the Conference of the

The world's three biggest polluters China, the United States and India refused to move toward a new legal commitment to curb their carbon emissions Tuesday, increasing the risk that climate talks w

China will install wind and solar power capacity equivalent to 180 nuclear power reactors in the next 10 years to meet its growing energy needs, the International Energy Agency said on Monday, citi

Cash raised by the shipping industry's efforts to cut carbon emissions might be directed to developing countries to help them tackle climate change, according to a draft document seen by Reuters at
