Two degrees Celsius. That increase in global temperatures has become synonymous with "dangerous climate change". Lobbyists haggle over it, scientists build models around it and Greens wring their hands over it. So it is dispiriting to learn, with the next round of United Nations negotiations under way in Durban, South Africa, that many climatologists feel it is a target we are almost certain to miss. (Editorial)

Britain is on track to beat its 2020 emissions-cutting target and could see energy use per person halved by 2050 if it optimizes its energy mix and use of technology, according to a "Carbon Plan" w

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday large emitters of greenhouse gases among rapidly-growing economies such as China, India and Brazil must agree to cut their emissions.

New tensions and alignments are emerging at the UN talks here, reflecting subtle but far-reaching changes in the geopolitics of climate change.

A flagship green climate fund aimed at channelling billions of dollars to help poor countries tackle global warming has been put on ice at the Durban climate summit as a growing number of countries

China and Brazil have warned that one of the world’s biggest carbon markets will be under threat if wealthy countries reject their demands for a new phase of the Kyoto protocol.

Nod To Natarajan’s Stand On Equity, Intellectual Property & Trade Barriers At Durban

The 17th conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, popularly known as COP-17, is taking place in Durban, South Africa, at a critical moment, as the historic 1997 Kyoto Protocol i

In a setback to the climate talks underway in Durban, discussions on finance, a key element of a successful outcome, appear to have hit the slow road.

The planet keeps getting hotter and hotter. In many regions, people are experiencing climate change at first hand. However, when it comes to the issue of a binding climate agreement, politicians struggle to make progress.
