Australia is being hit by more days of extreme heat and high fire danger, trends that may accelerate as the planet heats up, says the latest State of the Climate report by the Bureau of Meteorology

Nations risk repeating the failure of climate talks in 2009 unless they sign up to mandatory emissions reductions in a treaty to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, according to Bangladesh's climate envoy

Air pollution in China, the world's biggest carbon emitter, has reached intolerable levels and the country should aggressively cut its reliance on coal, according to the National Center for Climate

Global warming will fail to reduce high winter death rates as some officials have predicted because there will be more harmful weather extremes even as it gets less cold, a British study showed on

There is no reliable or consistent evidence that wind farms directly cause human health problems, a major draft review by Australia's leading medical research body has found.

Australia's new climate plan would cut less than 60 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions needed to meet its 2020 target, while the omission of more stringent rules would reduce this to below 30 per

Bitter cold in the United States might appear to contradict the notion of global warming, but with Britain's wettest winter and another hot summer in Australia, extreme weather events have pushed c

India plans to start work on at least 2 gigawatts of solar farms in the year starting April that would nearly double its current photovoltaic capacity.

The NSW Environment Protection Authority is investigating a bright orange plume in the water at Botany Bay.

Donor nations, rainforest-rich countries and multilateral institutions will have to spend tens of billions of dollars in the next few years to ensure that nations undergoing deforestation will have
