Preventing risks of severe damage from climate change not only requires deep cuts in developed country greenhouse gas emissions, but enormous amounts of public and private investment to limit emissions while promoting green growth in developing countries.

The opening address by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in the historic Summit on climate change in New York on 22 September 2009. This event is aimed at mobilizing political will and strengthening momentum for a fair, effective, and ambitious climate deal in Copenhagen climate conference-Dec 2009.

The WIR09 reveals that after decades of slow growth, TNC interest and participation in agriculture

Migration, both within and beyond borders, has become an increasingly prominent theme in domestic and international debates, and is the topic of the 2009 Human Development Report (HDR09). The starting point is that the global distribution of capabilities is extraordinarily unequal, and that this is a major driver for movement of people.

The purpose of this document is to help frame discussions at the Summit by providing key information on the core political issues that need to be resolved to catalyze strengthened cooperative action on climate change. The Annex provides important contextual information on climate change and the inter-governmental negotiations.

During the launch of the 2009 MDG Gap Task Force Report on Strengthening the Global Partnership for Development in a Time of Crisis, UN Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro highlighted that it is crucial to deliver on global poverty-fighting commitments in a word facing economic recession, food shortage and the continuing impact of climate change, factors that impede the realization of the Mi

This revised version of the handbook is intended to provide specific guidance in the preparation of national TNAs (Technology Needs Assessment). It is divided into three main parts: Part I addresses organizational matters related to the preparation of a TNA. It outlines how to get ready for and organize a TNA and provides an overview of the various

The Trade and Development Report 2009 presents a gloomy global economic outlook in the context of the ongoing global financial and economic crisis.

The latest annual UNDESA report released by Sunita Narain, director of Centre for Science and Environment backs India and developing countries on the climate front.It says that rich countries had consumed more than fair share oftheir carbon space and needed to take deep emission cuts if the new climate agreement was to be equitable.

This book provides relevant information on the significant opportunities that bio-carbon can offer to Eastern and Southern Africa countries to participate in the carbon market, it compiles eleven papers relating specific aspects of the bio-carbon sector.
