The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games were widely acclaimed as one of the most spectacular sporting events ever held, not least as a result of the sumptuous and dazzling opening ceremony and the high standards of competition from athletics and swimming to horse-jumping and yachting. But what of the environment which along with sport and culture is the third pillar of Olympism?

This report seeks to outline main aspects of the relationship between climate change and human rights. Climate change debates have traditionally focused on scientific, environmental and economic aspects.

Water: A Global Innovation Outlook Report, is a comprehensive treatment of the challenges and opportunities inherent in modern day management of global water systems. This GIO report takes a hard look at the difficulties society is having managing the most precious resource on earth.

This report provides an overview of priorities for tsunami early warning systems in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia. It aims to guide the policy and programming of the ESCAP Multi-Donor Voluntary Trust Fund on Tsunami Early Warning Arrangements in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia. It also intends to provide advice to partners wishing to support efforts to fill identified gaps.

This report analyzes in detail the evolution of the global financial crisis during 2008 and the more fundamental factors that led to its build-up. It further assesses the impact on global economic activity, especially in developing countries.

The climate policy debate has advanced from science to economics, with a growing focus on creating carbon markets and getting the prices right. This is necessary but far from sufficient for an effective and equitable response to the climate challenge.

This report sets out a range of pollution problems and for each gives a brief summary of the problem

The State of the World

This paper focuses on only one piece of this complex challenge: the ways in which conservation action has been informed, and should be informed, by the interaction between ecological scale and governance. The published literature does not provide much guidance

This paper briefly sketches the history of the climate negotiations, ending with the most recent agreements in Bali. The paper then turns to the scientific basis of the work on mitigation. It introduces background concepts for proposals on mitigation, which identifies not only different schools of thought but a number of specific proposals as well.
