Rethinking Poverty, the 2010 issue of the Report on the World Social Situation seeks to contribute to rethinking poverty and its eradication. It affirms the urgent need for a strategic shift away from the market fundamentalist thinking, policies and practices of recent decades towards more sustainable development- and equity-oriented policies appropriate to national conditions and circumstances.

In Climate Finance, a leading group of 35 policy experts and scholars show how effective mitigation of climate change will depend on a complex mix of public funds, private investment though carbon markets, and structured incentives that leave room for developing country innovations.

This document explains step-by-step how to develop a joint adaptation strategy, with a special focus on the transboundary context.

This guidance note has been prepared in response to the growing demand for guidelines to support the work of human development report teams and partners in integrating human development analysis and advocacy into more equitable, sustainable and climateresilient development planning and policy debates.

On 20 November 2009, the global community celebrates the 20th anniversary of the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the unique document that sets international standards for the care, treatment and protection of all individuals below age 18.

This report, published by the UN Children

Efforts to promote food security must distinguish between short-term and medium-term measures, but also between countries with agricultural potential and without such potential, argues this paper.

This UNDP-WHO joint report draws attention to the global energy access situation and highlights that three billion people still rely on traditional biomass and coal, with a striking two million deaths per year associated with indoor burning of these solid fuels in unventilated kitchens.

Almost two billion people need modern energy services by 2015 to accelerate MDGs achievement.

Women bear the disproportionate burden of climate change as they make up the majority of the world's 1,5-billion people living on less than $1 a day and the climate-change debate needs to be reframed putting people at the centre,concludes this annual report released by UNFPA.

With a focus on the theme
