This Trade and Environment Review is about finding a policy response to one of the defining challenges of our times

This paper compares the experience of poverty reduction in China and India.

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and Standard & Poor's have released the world's first carbon efficient index for emerging markets that could mobilize more than $1 billion for carbon-efficient companies over the next three years.

The institutions of the UN system are responding to the Secretary-General's call to make its in-house practices alongside its field operations more climate-friendly and environmentally sustainable. This publication presents the first greenhouse gas inventory for the UN system and an overview of the initial steps that have been taken to manage these emissions.

This report covers initiatives for: integrating climate change considerations into development plans, strategies and programmes at national and regional levels; assessing the economic impacts of climate change, evaluating the costs of mitigation and adaptation, and exploring options for climate change financing; enhancing countries

At present the biofuels sector is going through turmoil and some analysts question whether biofuels will be able to keep their promises. The eventual outcome will depend on the policies that countries have already put in place and those that may be implemented in the future. The purpose of this volume is to present possible scenarios for the biofuels industry.

This latest UN report reveals alarming statistics on how indigenous peoples are faring in areas like health, education, poverty, environment and human rights. Shows that they suffer disproportionately compared to non-indigenous and face systematic discrimination and exclusion.


The Review of Developments in Transport in Asia and the Pacific is a biennial publication of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). The Review is structured into three main parts.

Climate change creates a crisis for economic development, which has historically been synonymous with high-carbon growth. It is essential for the world economy to make a rapid transition to a new, low-carbon style of growth.
