Increasing population and resource use in cities is a trend all over the world and India is no exception. It is therefore important to study the cities, especially the megacities from multiple perspectives to improve planning and governance.

Knowledge of mean rainfall and its variability of smaller spatial scale are important for the planners in various sectors including water and agriculture.

Electricity Regulatory Commissions in India determine feed-in-tariffs for different renewable energy technologies. This tool provides a convenient way to perform tariff calculations based on Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2012.

Parisar compared the performance of PMPML with bus service providers in five other Indian cities; BEST (Mumbai); MTC (Chennai); BMTC (Bangalore) and DTC (Delhi). In a previous study titled PMPML Report card, Parisar had quantified the performance of PMPML, which showed how PMPML scored low on all counts.

Climate during 2011 was relatively moderate in respect of both temperature and precipitation. Although the year ranked ninth warmest since 1901 there were less heat wave events during the peak summer months. Southwest monsoon season rainfall for the country as a whole was normal. However, it was marked with large spatial variability.

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) published a consultation paper on proposed fuel economy labelling and standards for the country, initially focusing on cars. The paper also invited feedback from the public, which was followed by a public consultation held in New Delhi.

Parisar recently published a commuter-centric performance report for Pune's city bus service, PMPML. The service was graded on the following aspects; RELIABILITY, COMFORT, CONVENIENCE and AFFORDABILITY. The score for each was based on various parameters and arrived at using data from PMPML, Parisar surveys and Commuter feedback survey.

Parisar analyzed the budgetary allocation on transportation sector in Pune’s 2011-12 budget. It emerges that more than 60% of the transport sector budget is allocated to projects which are motor vehicle friendly like building of new roads, flyovers, parking structures and re-tarring of roads.

Parisar has analyzed the budget of Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) for the year 2011-12 for the following: the budgetary trends over the last few years, the sectoral priorities of PMC,general accounting practices of PMC and the ease of understanding the budget by common citizens by a method developed by Centre for Budget and Governance Accounta

The thermal power generation capacity in India is set to expand massively. Data from the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) analysed by the Prayas Energy Group shows that the ministry has accorded environmental clearances to a large
