Climate change and predictability of the Indian summer monsoon by B. N. Goswami presented at the National Climate Research Conference, IIT Delhi, March 5-6, 2010.

Jangli Maharaj (JM) Road and Fergusson College (FC) Road are important arterial roads in Pune. These roads run north-south and connect the Shivajinagar and Ganeshkhind areas to the Deccan Gymkhana and old city areas. There are many schools, colleges, offi ces, restaurants and commercial establishments around this area making these two roads among the busiest in the city.

In this new study IMD examines district-wise and all India drought climatology over India for southwest monsoon season using using Percent of Normal(PN) & Standardized Precipitation Index(SPI).Compares drought climatology based on SPI with that based on PN to show that SPI is a better index for monitoring drought conditions over smaller spatial scales like districts, subdivisions etc.

An account of the anti-SEZ movement and people's struggle in Maharashtra for their livelihood rights especially land, water, forest and employment rights. Also describes opposition of the affected people to the concept of Special Economic Zone, which is anti- poor, anti- labour, anti-farmers, and anti-people in general.

South Asian summer monsoon (June through September) rainfall simulation and its potential future changes are evaluated in a multi-model ensemble of global coupled climate models outputs under World Climate Research Program Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (WCRP CMIP3) data set.

The 2009 southwest monsoon recorded the third highest deficient
all India southwest monsoon season rainfall (-22% of LPA) during
the period 1901-2009. All the monsoon months except July
recorded large deficient rainfall. Region wise, except south
Peninsula, all other homogeneous regions recorded much below
normal rainfall. Activity of depression was below normal with

Fish accumulates high levels of toxic chemicals in their flesh and fat that are known to cause cancer and brain degeneration. Fish consumption is the sole source of human exposure to mercury that is known to cause severe health problems, including brain damage, memory loss and personality change.

Following a unified approach, an objective criterion has been developed for the determination of yearwise onset and withdrawal dates of the summer monsoon over the 19 subregions across India.

This document by national climate centre of IMD computes district wise drought probabilities across India for 319 districts having long data series of rainfall. Has done mapping for moderate & severe drought probabilities for various districts & demarcates regions belonging to different class intervals of probabilities of drought.

The City of Pune, Maharashtra, India is well known as the city of Two Wheelers and has a large two wheeler
population; Also the traffic here is prone to frequent congestions during peak hours; leading to jams causing huge
