The Second Green Revolution for Sustainable Livelihood of Small Farmers is a Concept Paper developed by BAIF, based on its experience while working with small farmers and weaker sections of the society particularly tribals, across rural India. The aim is to create nationwide awareness among farmers, extension

Organic farming is a system of farm management to create an eco-system which can achieve sustainable productivity without the use of artificial external inputs such as chemo-synthetic

The Forests Rights Act 2006 is a result of long sustained peoples

This paper, discusses the development of a very high resolution (0.50 x 0.50 degree) daily rainfall data set for mesoscale meteorological studies over the Indian region. The data set was developed using quality controlled rainfall data from more than 6000 rain-gauge stations over India. The analysis consists of daily rainfall data for all the seasons for the period 1971-2005.

This paper by Prayas Energy Group exposes the hidden subsidies enjoyed by users of cars and two wheelers, thus marginalizing the needier sections. It uses a case study of urban transport in Pune to show that a bus user is much less subsidized than a car or a two-wheeler user.

Nature knows better how to keep the water sources clean and nourishing. Our traditions, also could maintain their water sources for the past 10,000 years. Water quality problems and water scarcity- both are due to pollution of air, caused by increase in the use of fossil fuels. This produces rain with nitrates and acidity. This pollutes the surface water bodies and also the groundwater.

To meet the requirements of the research community, a high resolution daily gridded temperature data set for the Indian region was developed. For this purpose, daily temperature (maximum, minimum and mean) data of 395 quality controlled

While occurrences of water bodies (rivers and canals;reservoirs, tanks and ponds; beels, oxbow lakes and derelict water; and brackish water) across the country depend upon physiographic settings and rainfall conditions, the recharging of the water

Sub-seasonal rainfall fluctuations, characterized as active and weak spells during the Indian monsoon season (June to September) is an important component of the variability of the Indian monsoon rainfall.

Draft minutes of the meeting on Lavasa Hill Station Project held on 14th July 2007.
