U.S. policymakers have relied on offsets from developing countries as a primary form of cost containment in proposed cap-and-trade legislation. These legislative proposals allow for emitters to use up to 1.5 billion tons CO2e of offsets from developing countries to meet their annual compliance obligations.

The social cost of carbon (SCC), defined as the estimated price of the damages caused by each additional ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere, is the volume dial on government regulations affecting greenhouse gases: The higher the SCC is set, the more stringent the regulatory standards.

The objective of this study is to review the evidence from the economics of climate change
literature to assess to what extent developing countries can move towards low or lower carbon
patterns of growth, without compromising economic growth.

These workshop proceedings is for those who have already decided to pursue a participatory approach to environment and development, but want to dip in to something which will help hem better understand the issues involved.

A participatory assessment of the conditions for strengthening the technology

This report presents a concise diagnosis of the state of the bioshpere and observed trends and offers a treatment plan that is consistent with a 2

This report supports development of a national policy and sectoral strategies. The urgent needs for adaptation are up to $650 million per year by 2012. In the road to Copenhagen, and beyond, three foundations are institutional capacity, knowledge management and multi-stakeholder funding for developing early prototypes of successful action.

This paper analyses the relationship between water management and poverty reduction. All aspects of poverty are considered: this is reflected in the analysis of water

Developed countries are largely responsible for the climate change to date, but future responsibility is shared by developed and developing countries alike. Rapidly developing countries such as China with steeply rising emission curves must also

This SEI Working Paper explores social learning about climate adaptation in relation to the architecture of climate governance. It compares the potential for social learning at the international level with a local perspective based on preliminary results from a case study of climate adaptation in the Stockholm region, Sweden.
