Nigeria and China signed a tentative deal to build three oil refineries in the West African state at a cost of $23 billion, strengthening the countries' energy partnership.

African countries are making some important strides toward a green energy sector. According to the Global Renewables Status 2009, Northern Africa boasts more than 500 MW of installed wind power, while Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania are all planning their first wind farms.

Plans to use concentrating solar power plants in the Sahara to generate and export electricity have been on the table for years. Now, it looks as though political will might help move things forward.

Energy is a prime requirement for sustainable development and poverty reduction. The energy dimension of poverty is fundamental. Lack of energy/electricity perpetuates poverty as it precludes most industrial activities and the jobs they create.

This publication presents a compilation of information on key practical issues affecting jatropha for pro-poor development. It provides a brief overview of biofuels, their growth drivers

Seeking to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the petroleum space, India has called for partnership with companies in the African hydrocarbon sector.

Despite the numerous benefits associated with cleaner alternatives, the transition to improved fuels and stoves has not progressed hugely in Sub-Saharan Africa. Why is it that so often, well designed, efficient and clean stoves fail to penetrate the market in developing countries?

Solar thermal power company eSolar Inc said on Friday it granted South African company Clean Energy Solutions exclusive rights to represent and distribute eSolar's concentrating solar power technology across seven countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Johannesburg-based Clean Energy Solutions develops renewable energy projects.

Access to modern forms of energy continues to elude the majority of households in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and only about 30% of the population has access to electricity while 90% relies on traditional fuels for cooking and heating. The central question addressed in this review is whether or not SSA can provide access to modern energy services for its entire population by 2030.

It hasn't yet reached Ali Lamie's small store, which flashes with colours as he charges cellphones by the rack. But after more than 30 years, Bumbuna hydroelectric dam is bringing power and economic hope to Sierra Leone.
