Study shows pesticides double cancer risk in farm labour

The gains made by Kerala through the land reform measures of the 1950s may be undone if the attempts at changing the limit on landholding and introducing contract farming by multinational companies

To die, Warangal farmers have to no longer consume pesticides. A mere exposure is enough to kill them

Toddy tappers in Kerala fought off social stigma and repression only to fight new demons like the government's excise policy

After land consolidation was introduced, the landless poor and agricultural labourers, who depended on common resources, faced tremendous problems

Rise in non Hodgkin s lymphoma and other forms of cancer cases linked to farming activities

Women farm labourers are more vulnerable to pesticide poisoning -- and they don't even know it. A survey of 13 states conducted by the Consumers Forum, in collaboration with the Confederation of

At a recent conference, women farm workers got a chance to discuss their problems with agricultural experts.

Workers often fail to get proper medical treatment because they are mostly ignorant of occupational diseases.

Collapse of the former Soviet market and an indifferent attitude to quality clips Nilgiris tea industry
