This report is the sixth `State of the Arctic environment report' that has been prepared by AMAP in accordance with its mandate. It presents the results of work conducted during AMAP's third phase (2002-2008) in relation to three priority areas persistent organic pollutants, human health, and radioactivity.

ECORA is a Global Environment Facility (GEF) project initiated by the Arctic Council Working Group on the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), UNEP/GRID-Arendal, and the Russian Federation that uses an integrated ecosystem management
approach to conserve biodiversity and minimize habitat

The Arctic is warming up much more quickly than expected

After paring 23 climate models down to the best half-dozen, two researchers now say with new confidence that arctic summer ice will most likely disappear around 2037. But none of the select models predicts a tipping point--a sudden jump to an ice-free summer Arctic.

The fourth International Polar Year, which began in March 2007 and ends this March, is another example of countries coming together to contribute funds and expertise to basic research. Many countries have been independently studying the Poles.

THREE BRITISH explorers have set out on a 90-day skiing expedition to the North Pole, measuring sea ice thickness the whole way to find out exactly how fast it is disappearing, according to the Catlin Arctic Survey.

As change in the Arctic accelerates, scientists and indigenous peoples have pressing reasons to work together.

OSLO - Arctic storms could worsen because of global warming in a threat to possible new businesses such as oil and gas exploration, fisheries or shipping, a study showed on Wednesday.

During a special ceremony at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the International Council for Science released a report titled

Date: 08-Jan-09
Author: Rob Taylor

CANBERRA - Climate change and rising sea levels pose one of the biggest threats to security in the Pacific and may also spark a global conflict over energy reserves under melting Arctic ice, according to Australia's military.
