Pharmaceutical firms should come clean to tackle drug contamination. (Editorial)

The Department of Biotechnology is playing venture capitalist to private companies to push agri research.

Why would a company with a turnover of Rs 9,712 crore and profits of Rs 933 crore want a research loan of less than Rs 10 crore from the government? Ask the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), which has become venture capitalist to the well-heeled industry.

The public should be properly consulted ahead of any release of experimental insects. But what do they need to know, and whose job is it to ensure the message gets across? (Editorial)

This report analyses major new developments regarding genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in various regions around the world, including new evidence and testimony from Friends of the Earth International’s member groups.

Limitations of the national law in remedying biopiracy led to the negotiations on an international regime in Access and Benefi Sharing. The deliberations were stuck for a long time due to the extreme divergent views of the developed countries on the one hand and of the biodiversity rich developing countries on the other.

There is no doubt US President Barack Obama was in India on a business trip. His recent electoral losses weighed heavily with him when he stitched up deals, reportedly worth US $10 billion,that would create about 50,000 jobs back home. In this editorial Sunita Narain looks at the ABCDE of what is at stake in the US-India trade relationship.

Rajasthan signs agreements with seven biotech companies to restructure agriculture. Read this special report on the fundamental shift in the way farming operates in India by giving private companies access to the state’s research facilities to test and market their hybrid seeds and other technologies.

The access and benefit-sharing protocol on biodiversity may do little to deter multinationals from grabbing the planet’s resources.

Special call for proposals on Priority Agriculture Areas by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.


A shoddy inter-academy report on GM crops casts a shadow on the integrity and competence of Indian science, while a US expert finds approval for Bt brinjal deeply flawed according to this latest special report in Down to Earth.  

