Telangana Bill scheduled to be taken up for discussion in Parliament tomorrow

The Andhra Pradesh government on Monday unveiled an exclusive policy for the lifesciences sector with a mission mode approach over the next five year at the inaugural session of the annual edition of BioAsia summit here.

Urges people not to be swayed by “unscientific prejudices”

Underscoring food security, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday favoured genetically modified crops, urging the people not to be swayed by “unscientific prejudices.”

In exercise of the powers conferred under section 31 of the Punjab Environmental Protection Act, 1997 (XXXIV of 1997), Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make the following rules: These rules may be cited as the Punjab Bio-safety Rules 2014.

This study analyzes the impact of transgenic crop adoption on agricultural production risk and agrobiodiversity. The genetic erosion hypothesis suggests that global biodiversity is affected by various anthropogenic stresses that have caused serious biodiversity loss over the past few decades.

Author's supporter plans to publish study in another journal

A year-after the prestigious ‘Food and Chemical Toxicology’ Journal published a study which concluded that biotech maize and herbicides can cause “severe adverse health effects including mammary tumours and kidney and liver damage, leading to premature death,” the journal has announced retracting the piece for want of sufficient data.

World hunger is a multifaceted problem that cannot be solved by technological changes alone.

Cadres of Change: Transforming Biotech Farmers in China, India, and the Philippines is an empirical testimony to how biotech crops are changing the lives of small farmers, their families and that of their communities.

This Biotechnology policy of West Bengal 2013 is to bring this essential developmental agenda into focus and facilitate its translation for the inclusive benefits of this state. The constraints and challenges which hinder such development will be identified and rectified. Read text.

Read text of Biosafety bill of Bhutan 2013 cleared by the Parliament of Bhutan. Thisshall apply to all genetically modified organisms, products derived from genetically modified organisms, all stages of import, export, and direct use of products that have genetically modified content within the Kingdom.

Roundup herbicide, which is meant to kill farm weeds, “poses the risk of serious human health hazards including cancer”, says a new study by the Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (IITR).
