Meghalaya's west Khasi hills. He shares with Centre for Science and Environment media fellow P Madhavan his experience of the charcoal trade

Forest fires can actually lead to enrichment of soil and enhanced growth of vegetation

Charcoal is perhaps the best example of biochar. Considering the interest that has been generated by Jha et al. many readers would be interested in knowing how actually charcoal is made. During one of our recent field surveys to Kasera locality in Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh, (Correspondence)

This report illustrates two alternative approaches to promoting sustainable woodfuel production by farmers and communities with a commercial focus. The report aims to provide readers with a thorough analysis of these two approaches, focusing on strategic aspects, guiding principles, overall results, and lessons learned.

Casuarina equisetifolia L. and Lantana camara L. leaf litter, sugarcane bagasse and empty oil palm fruit bunch (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) were converted into charcoal using carbonization process. An increase in temperature from 200

Traditional stoves generate large quantities of smoke and suspended particulate matter while only 10-40% of released energy tranfers to pot. This research paper describes design steps with experiments carried out for charcoal stove named SEES to interlink energy efficiency and various design parameters.

This publication by the Programme for the Promotion of Household and Alternative Energy sources in the Sahel (PREDAS) is a summary of a series of surveys and analyses conducted in the Sahelian countries of Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Chad.

SHILLONG: In a bid to deal with indiscriminate slashing of forests for charcoal manufacturing, the Forest and Environment Department has notified the Meghalaya Charcoal (Control of Production, Storage, Trade and Transit) Rules 2008.

Activated charcoals have been prepared from the weed like Argemone mexicana L. by using chemical activating agents like Zinc Chloride, Ortho Phosphoric Acid, etc.

PREDAS is a regional programme to promote household and alternative energies in the Sahel. The programme is implemented by the permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) with support from the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany.
