Soil, water and forest are the basis of human life and they should be conserved for the future generation, environmentalist Sundarlal Bahuguna said here on Sunday.
PANJIM, SEPT 1 - Internationally renowned environmental activist and philosopher in the tradition of Mahatma Gandhi, who has been tirelessly fighting as a member of the Chipko movement for the preservation of forests in the Himalayas and other parts of country and for the protection of rivers, will arrive in Goa on September 3 on his way to Maharashtra from Karnataka.
He will be accompanied by Pandurang Hegde leader of Karnataka
The beginning of submergence of Tehri also marked the drowning of anti dam sentiments. Any strong protest was conspicuous by its absence. Does this signal the end of the three decade old movement?
Riverine fisherfolk, arguably the oldest among traders, are being sold down the river. An unholy synergy of poisoned rivers, government apathy and commercial interests has scripted the epitaph of the original stewards of the river. Ironically, their
Although the Chipko movement is practically non-existent in its region of origin it remains one of the most frequently deployed examples of an environmental and/or a women's movement in the South. A small but growing number of commentators are now critiquing much neopopulist theorising on Chipko, and this paper provides an overview of these critiques. It then takes the debate further with reference to a more recent regional movement in the hills.