Threat of climate change is real and urgent and know that combating this threat will require deep and drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. The question in Poznan is, how will we re-commit the industrialized world to serious reduction of its
emissions. Poznan must also determine if the world is serious about climate change. We know that the poor are feeling the

Affordable energy is quite literally the fuel for development and poverty reduction. Paradoxically, affordable energy

Human activity is causing irreversible harm to the climate system and environment. The Kyoto Protocol is only a good starting point to raise the awareness of climate change.

This report urges them to fully recognise the scale of the task ahead, to overcome the inertia of

Climate Change and Energy Security: Lessons Learned delivers some extremely valuable insights into the respective debates on both sides of the Atlantic. Joe Aldy, Camilla Bausch, and Michael Mehling shed light on the experiences Germany and the United States have had in these important issue areas over the course

The idea that countries at the climate change negotiations in Poznan should

A way forward is needed for the post-2012 period to address the threat of global climate change. The Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements is an international, multi-year, multi-disciplinary effort to help identify the key design elements of a scientifically sound, economically rational, and politically pragmatic post-2012 international policy architecture.

IGES organised a policy forum on Asia's Post-2012 Climate Regime, with the theme "Towards the Copenhagen Agreement - Challenges and Perspectives" on 9 and 10 October 2008 in Kyoto, in collaboration with the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP).

Yu Qingtai, Ambassador and Special Representative, Climate Change Talks, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China talks to Pradip Saha about developing country imperatives in climate talks in face of increasing pressure from developed countries to increase commitments On sudden EU attempt to divide developing countries during Accra meet

This paper has been drafted as a background document to the conference
