This report from the

Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister of UK, delivered a speech on the Roadmap to Copenhagen manifesto on the challenge of climate change and development in London on Friday 26th June 2009.

International climate negotiators muddled through the latest round of global-warming talks in Bonn, Germany, last week, overshadowed by independent bilateral negotiations in Beijing between the United States and China. Neither meeting produced any significant breakthroughs, and new disagreements seem to have outnumbered resolutions by a wide margin.

Sticking Together, The Powerful Duo Have Been Able To Neutralize Influence Of Rich Nations

Nitin Sethi

New Delhi: Does the

New Delhi: A treaty or an agreement?

This report gives a brief overview on how current and proposed agricultural practices impact on climate changes, and how proposed measures for 'mitigation and adaptation' impact on agriculture. It focuses on forms of intensive, large-scale (or industrialized) agriculture. It looks at the main proposals in the negotiations for a post -2012 climate agreement.

The full legal text of the NGO Copenhagen Treaty written by a team of 47 experts from environment and development groups across the world, including Greenpeace.It is a work in progress, but is meant to encourage and provoke countries into thinking hard about the level of ambition, scope and detail that needs to be agreed in Copenhagen, the path to get us there and what comes afterwards.

The purpose of this brief is to highlight the close inter-linkages between climate change and the world of work. It aims to promote a better understanding between both spheres and greater coherence between climate, social and labour policies.

This report gives a brief overview on how current and proposed agricultural practices impact on climate changes, and how proposed measures for 'mitigation and adaptation' impact on agriculture. It focuses on forms of intensive, large-scale (or industrialized) agriculture. It looks at the main proposals in the negotiations for a post -2012 climate agreement.

This paper examines the cost of a range of national, regional and global mitigation policies and the corresponding incentives for countries to participate in ambitious international mitigation actions.
