In April 2016, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator, Stephen O’Brien, alerted governments gathered in Geneva that they collectively faced “an alarming funding gap of over $2.2 billion” to respond to El Niño food crisis.

Adding “net” to a goal of “zero emissions” may prove to be a trap that delays real climate action, and which could drive devastating land grabs and hunger through the large-scale use of land, biofuels and biomass to absorb rising carbon dioxide emissions.

For millions of people living in the world’s poorest countries, access to land is a matter not of wealth, but of survival, identity and belonging.

This document argues that current and future scale of climate change implies serious loss and damage, especially to the lives and livelihoods of those who are poor, most vulnerable and least to blame.

A new report commissioned by ActionAid shows that biofuel targets set by the EU will lead directly to an increase in the prices of key agricultural commodities worldwide by 2020. And – while consumers around the world will see some

ActionAid believes that agroecology-based Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CSRA) is an effective way to respond to both the climate and food crisis.

From 1970 to 1995 the world made progress in reducing the number of hungry people but the figure always remained above 750 million. Since then, the number has progressively risen, increasing to over a billion in 2009, and remaining above 900 million in 2010.

Industrial biofuels

Agriculture is now recognised as both contributing to and suffering from the negative effects of climate change. Farming accounts for as much as 32% of greenhouse gas emissions, if

Tackling climate change effectively is going to require serious sums of money. Developing countries, many of whom are on the front-line in the battle against global warming, will require
large amounts of external public finance to adapt to climate change, combat deforestation and move to low-carbon pathways out of poverty. Rich countries, who have largely caused the
