The 2020 Global Food Policy Report focuses on the need to build inclusive food systems, both to ensure that marginalized and vulnerable people enjoy the benefits and opportunities that food systems can bring and to support sustainable development.

Eighteen countries are at risk of plunging further into crises that pose serious threats to people’s food security and livelihoods, according to an updated report by the UN World Food Programme (WFP).

India has an array of legislations and regulations to settle land and resource rights, to resolve disputes over access and ownership, and to facilitate more equitable negotiations for transferring rights and access between different parties.

The United Nations and the African Union need to do more to ensure all Africans see their futures in the sustainable development goals and the goals of Africa’s Agenda 2063, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General, Amina Mohammed said.

This new report published in the journal “ Lancet” says that the future of children around the world including India, is being threatened by ecological degradation and climate change and exploitative marketing practices that push heavily processed fast food, sugary drinks, alcohol and tobacco at children.

This is the third report in Save the Children's 'Stop the War on Children' series. It reveals shocking trends in the threats to the safety and wellbeing of children living in areas impacted by conflict. In 2018, verified grave violations against children reached a record high.

The activities described in the 2020-2021 Ethiopia Country Refugee Response Plan, aims to provide protection and multi-sectorial assistance to refugees, in addition to targeted support to their host communities.

The surge in armed violence across Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger is having a devastating impact on children’s survival, education, protection and development. The Sahel, a region of immense potential, has long been one of the most vulnerable regions in Africa, home to some countries with the lowest development indicators globally.

In 2019, nine out of 10 underreported crises were from Africa — reinforcing the challenge countries face in generating media attention for protracted crises in the region.

Citing a recent report from the NGO Refugees International, Deputy Spokesperson Farhan Haq told correspondents in New York that the number of internally displaced people has also jumped from around 80,000 to nearly 200,000 in one year with more than half being children and women.
