The technical report provides key elements of the region’s socio-economic and environmental profile, which sets the scene; an introduction to regional frameworks and networks promoting more sustainable consumption and production patterns; an initial review of relevant national policy frameworks and instruments conducive to sustainable consumptio

The size and structure of the socioeconomic metabolism are key for the planet’s sustainability. In this article, we provide a consistent assessment of the development of material flows through the global economy in the period 1900–2015 using material flow accounting in combination with results from dynamic stock-flow modelling.

Humanity is devouring our planet’s resources in increasingly destructive volumes, according to a new study that reveals we have consumed a year’s worth of carbon, food, water, fibre, land and timbe

Enhancing food security in vulnerable regions requires both short- and long-term investments. Even though targeted interventions are needed for short-term relief, building resilient food systems is crucial for providing continued food and nutrition security.

This paper investigates the distributional changes that limited pro-poor growth in the past two decades in Sub-Saharan Africa; these changes went undetected by standard inequality measures.

Calories from any food have the potential to increase risk for obesity and cardiometabolic disease because all calories can directly contribute to positive energy balance and fat gain. However, various dietary components or patterns may promote obesity and cardiometabolic disease by additional mechanisms that are not mediated solely by caloric content. Researchers explored this topic at the 2017 CrossFit Foundation Academic Conference ‘Diet and Cardiometabolic Health – Beyond Calories’, and this paper summarizes the presentations and follow-up discussions.

To understand the background of Sri Lanka’s current food security and nutrition challenges, this paper analyzes the political economy and policy processes that shaped the country’s food security and nutrition interventions and their outcomes.

Antibiotic prescriptions have shot up by 65 percent overall and by 39 percent per person in 15 years, new research reveals.

Antibiotic use more than doubled in India between 2000 and 2015, fuelling antibiotic resistance that is making common infections such as E.coli, strep throat, pneumonia and tuberculosis more difficult to treat, according to this new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

Population growth, changing consumption patterns and development are taking their toll on the world’s water supplies, and governments need to rely more on ‘green’ water management to ensure a healt
