Large socio-economic disparities exist in US dietary habits and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality. While economic incentives have demonstrated success in improving dietary choices, the quantitative impact of different dietary policies on CVD disparities is not well established. We aimed to quantify and compare the potential effects on total CVD mortality and disparities of specific dietary policies to increase fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption and reduce sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption in the US.

The Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI) has been releasing its annual publication "National Health Profile (NHP)" on a regular basis since the calendar year 2005. This publication of vital national significance brings out very substantial health information under six major indicators viz, Demographic, Socio-economic, health status, health finance, health infrastructure and human resources for the specified calendar year and much more relevant information required for an efficient public health system in our country.

India has among the lowest female labor force participation rates (LFPRs) in the world. In particular, low female LFPR is a drag on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth and an obstacle towards reaching a higher growth path. Women are also an untapped source of managerial and entrepreneurial skills.

The UN Secretary-General has issued the 2017 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) progress report, providing an overview of global progress towards the 17 SDGs on the basis of the latest available data related to the global SDG indicator framework.

To address holistically the issue of High Fat, Sugar and Salt (HFSS) in food and associated health risks, FSSAI constituted an Expert Group to drat a report. The major constituents of foods namely high saturated and trans fats, sugar and salt intake are known to significantly increase the risk of chronic diseases.

The biggest challenge for India is the dual fight of containing a 'developing' country's health concerns while a flare-up of 'developed' world disorders are its doorstep. On one hald India is combating basic health concerns such as malnutrition, low immunization rates, hygiene, sanitation and infectious diseases.

Taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) meant to improve health and raise revenue are being adopted, yet evaluation is scarce. This study examines the association of the first penny per ounce SSB excise tax in the United States, in Berkeley, California, with beverage prices, sales, store revenue/consumer spending, and usual beverage intake.

Original Source

Rabat – A study published by the “Policy Center” of the Chérifien Phosphates Office (OPC POLICIESTER), shows that transport and housing were Morocco’s main energy consumers, using up to 59.8 percen

In this modelling study, the researchers optimised typical dietary patterns in an Indian population sample to meet projected decreases in the availability of water per person for irrigation (blue water footprint) due to population growth (to 2025 and 2050). The optimised diets met nutritional guidelines and minimised deviation from existing patterns. Resulting changes in life-years lost due to coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancers were modelled using life tables, and changes in greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of diets were estimated.

Overt vitamin A deficiency has been controlled in most parts of India, but prevalence of subclinical deficiency may still be high, which may enhance susceptibility to infections, reduce growth potential and also lead to higher mortality. We aimed to: (i) assess the consumption pattern of vitamin A-rich foods in children 1–5 years of age in rural Jammu; and (ii) estimate the dietary deficiency of vitamin A leading to risk of subclinical vitamin A deficiency in cluster- villages of the study area.
