A new Greenpeace India campaign is gearing up to take on the Indian coal industry, coal ministry and even the Prime Minister. The environmental action group is determined to create awareness about how coal mining in Central India destroys forests, forest dependent communities, endangered tigers and other wildlife.

This biodiversity atlas of the Indian waters in the Exclusive Economic Zone overlays available GIS data on oceanic species and habitats, sea grass, seamounts and charismatic megafauna like dolphins, whales and turtles to recommend conservation and management for some areas.

Recognizing growing awareness at both international and national levels of the need for effective social and environmental safeguards, the REDD+ Social & Environmental Standards initiative aims to define and build support for a higher level of social and environmental performance from REDD+ programs.

Forest, Environment and Wildlife Management Department of the State Government has formulated the Sikkim Biodiversity Action Plan with the objective of preserving the State’s natural and cultural heritage.

This report presents the current state of thought on the common path of sustainable diets and biodiversity. The papers contained herein address the linkages among agriculture, health, the environment and food industries.

As New Delhi prepares for the biggest conference on biodiversity this October, are its claims to global leadership in conserving ecosystems really valid?

Sikkim has an amazing natural environment, with a rich variety of fauna and flora within a very small geographical area. Indeed such is the variety, that the area is termed as a biodiversity ‘hotspot’ – one of only two in India (and thirty four worldwide).

After using gross domestic product, or GDP, as the universal measurement of economy for six decades, the world has begun looking beyond this gold standard for measuring a country’s economy.

The 20-year commemoration of the historic Earth Summit produced nothing except more words. (Editorial)

This week the United Nations is holding the Conference on Sustainable Development, hosted by the government of Brazil.
