This study presents biogas production from fruit wastes at ambient temperature using anaerobic batch digester (500 ml). Co-digestion of fruit wastes were carried out with rice bran and cow dung. Biogas production from different samples was as follows: Sample A (fruit waste), 363; sample B (fruit waste, 75% + cow dung, 25%), 405; sample C (fruit waste, 75% + rice bran, 25%), 315; and sample D (fruit waste, 50% + rice bran, 25% + cow dung, 25%), 381 ml. From chromatographic studies, sample B has maximum methane content (80%) and sample C has maximum carbon-di-oxide content (50%).

Stubble meant for a biomass power plant stacked near Nakodar.

When looking at biomass power, we must keep in mind the alternative uses. The nexus between food, water and energy has to be viewed in detail. A country like India produces nearly 500 million tonnes of agro waste annually.
Such agro wastes are used. (Correspondence)

The burning of agricultural field residue, such as stalks and stubble, during the wheat and rice harvesting seasons in the Indo-Gangetic plains results in substantial emissions of trace gases and particles. This pollution can have adverse health and climate impacts.

Investigations and experience on truth of natural plant life surrounding us revealed that 1) soil is living, 2) health of cattle influences biodiversity as well as recycling of biomass and 3) quality of water. It is "soul" content of alternate farming.

Biomass resources have significant potential for improving the rural energy access and economic scenarios in a country like India. These are the only sources of renewable energy available across the length and breadth of the country, thereby providing a local resource base for rural energy availability. Practically half of the income generated from the sale of biomass-based power goes back to farmers.

Fatehabad: Despite a ban, farmers have been burning paddy straw on their fields with impunity after harvesting their crops.

Dry roughages, viz. wheat straw (WS), rice straw (RS), barley straw (BS), oat straw (OS), gram straw (GS), lentil straw (LS), sorghum stover (SST), pearl millet stover (PMST), maize stover (MST) and dry mixed grass (DG) fed to livestock were characterized for carbohydrate and protein fractions, energy, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and in vitro methane (CH4) emission in buffalo inoculums with the objective to rank dry roughages for CH4 emission, and to correlate their nutritional constituents with CH4 production.

About half of the global gas and particle emissions to the atmosphere resulting from the burning of biomass originate from sub-Saharan Africa. There are four principal pathways: wildfires, the use of biomass fuels for energy, burning associated with deforestation and the burning of agricultural residues.
