This report contains a compilation of information on ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation. With a synthesis of the state of knowledge on ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation, this report provides an overview of how ecosystems can play a role in helping people adapt to climate change, through the compilation of examples and relevant
Climate change is predicted to have severe consequences for South Asia, particularly in agriculture, which employs more than 60 per cent of the region’s labour force.
Tropical South America is rich in different groups of pollinators, but the biotic and abiotic factors determining the geographical distribution of their species richness are poorly understood. We analyzed the species richness of three groups of pollinators (bees and wasps, butterflies, hummingbirds) in six tropical forests in the Bolivian lowlands along a gradient of climatic seasonality and precipitation ranging from 410 mm to 6250 mm.
This new report is a global inventory of identified Payment for environmental services (PES) —water for cities? schemes and —pre PES water schemes? around the world.
This report contains abstracts of posters presented at the 15th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 7-11 November 2011, Montreal, Canada.
As a contribution to the Rio+20 process, this water toolbox is an output from the UN-Water conference on ‘Water in the Green Economy in Practice: Towards Rio+20’.
Determining how climate change will affect global ecology and ecosystem services is one of the next important frontiers in
environmental science. Many species already exhibit smaller sizes as a result of climate change and many others are likely to
shrink in response to continued climate change, following fundamental ecological and metabolic rules. This could negatively
impact both crop plants and protein sources such as fish that are important for human nutrition. Furthermore, heterogeneity in
Globally, soil organic matter (SOM) contains more than three times as much carbon as either the atmosphere or terrestrial vegetation. Yet it remains largely unknown why some SOM persists for millennia whereas other SOM decomposes readily—and this limits our ability to predict how soils will respond to climate change. Recent analytical and experimental advances have demonstrated that molecular structure alone does not control SOM stability: in fact, environmental and biological controls predominate.
India stands today at the cross-roads where it is becoming abundantly clear that not paucity of funds, but deficit in governance is the most significant challenge before the society.
More than two billion people depend on the world’s arid and semi-arid lands. Preventing land degradation and supporting sustainable development in drylands has major implications for food security, climate change and human settlement.